Went to see Belle & Sebastian at The Forum last night; great live music venue. I've been there for heaps of other things, such as MIFF screenings, forums, hell I even saw ET there when it was first released, before the Forum became a Christian revival centre, but I'd never seen a gig there before.
And what a bloody great gig it was! High energy, excellent clear sound, and fantastic songs from one of my favourite bands in the world in a set-list that sampled widely from their back catalogue instead of focussing too much on the latest album, which some bands are wont to do. I went to the gig with Andrew, who I met through Glen and Darren, who hadn't seen Belle & Sebastian before; whereas I saw them at the Palais two years ago on their first Australian tour; but last night we both had a great time.
The set started with 'The State That I Am In', the opening track from the band's debut album Tigermilk, and swept us along from there. 'Electronic Renaissance' from the same album was a highlight, and 'Dirty Dream Number Two' from The Boy With The Arab Strap another; as was Stuart Murdoch climbing off the stage and up onto the Forum's baroque statuary at the start of the encore!
Andrew and I went out for a quick drink afterwards, and then I headed into the city to the gay and lesbian dance party Winterdaze. MCV were one of the sponsors, so I'd been given a free ticket, and I thought what the hell, I may as well check it out. I caught up with Travis (the paper's designer) and Pup (advertising) while I was there, and hanging out with them was fun - it's always good getting to know people outside the office, but the party wasn't really my thing - house, house and more house music, and of course the obligatory drag show. Still, at least I can definitively say I don't like dance parties now, having actually been to two of them - hurrah for informed opinions. ;-)
I ended the night with a couple of drinks at Control (arriving to have Mary Mihelakos from The Spanish Club tell me that I'd just missed Stevie from Belle & Sebastian - doh!), which was pretty relaxed and friendly - as it often is at 4am!
Now I'm tired, but not hungover as I didn't drink much, and am contemplating a day of housework, listening to new CD releases, and sorting through piles of media releases and e-mails from publicists, so that I can plan out my show for the next couple of weeks.
Then tonight, I get to see Belle & Sebastian all over again! Hurrah!
1 comment:
So how did the second show match up to the first? A guy from here went and from what he told me it sounded fairly similar to Saturday night: although he didn't get Stuart's climbing shenanigans!
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